

Zdimal gave a talk at the ASU Postdoctoral Conference held in Tempe, AZ, USA.


Sen and Aishwarya Patel joined as ASU SOLS PhD students. Welcome!


Our recent Microbiology Spectrum paper is featured on ASU News! Title - Cruise Control: Gliding Bacteria and Their Role in Antimicrobial Therapy. Link


Abhishek Shrivastava gave a talk at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth University, NH, USA.


Sofia Rocha gave a talk at the American Association of Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Research (AADOCR) Annual Conference held in Portland, OR, USA.


We received a NIH-NIGMS MIRA grant! It is featured by ASU Biodesign News! Title - ASU's Biodesign Institute Blazes New Research Trails. Link


Emma Henderson and Amanda Zdimal presented posters at the the Bacterial Locomotion and Sensory Transduction (BLAST XVII) conference held in Charleston, SC, USA.


Abhishek Shrivastava gave a talk at the Bacterial Locomotion and Sensory Transduction (BLAST XVII) conference held in Charleston, SC, USA.


Abhishek Shrivastava gave a talk at the Department of Biology, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, USA.


Sofia Rocha, Jitendra Gosai, and Abhishek Trivedi presented posters at the Gordon Research Conference on Sensory Transduction in Bacteria (GRC-STIM) held in Ventura, CA, USA.


Abhishek Shrivastava gave a talk at the Gordon Research Conference on Sensory Transduction in Bacteria (GRC-STIM) held in Ventura, CA, USA.


Abhishek Shrivastava gave a '7-minutes of Science' talk at Biodesign Institute's town hall. Link


Sofia Rocha has joined the lab as an ASU SOLS PhD student. Welcome!


Emma Henderson has joined the lab as an ASU SOLS PhD student. Welcome!


We are featured by ASU News. Yay! Link


Abhishek Shrivastava received funding from Scialog: Microbiome, Neurobiology, and Disease. The awards are sponsored by Research Corporation for Science Advancement, The Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group, and the Frederick Gardner Cottrell Foundation. Read more here Link


Kaxandra Nessie, Jitendra Gosai, and Amanda Zdimal have joined our lab. Welcome!


Abhishek Shrivastava is selected as semi-finalist for the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation Young Investigator Award.


Abhishek Shrivastava gave a talk at the Department of Microbiology, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA.


Abhishek Shrivastava served as chair of the ‘Microbial traits: behavior, development, and pathogenesis’ session of the Bacterial Locomotion and Sensory Transduction (BLAST XVI) conference.


Abhishek Shrivastava gave a talk at the Advanced Imaging Series, Biomedicine Discovery Institute, Monash University, Australia.


Madeleine Zheng received the ASU-School of Molecular Sciences (SMS) Women in Science fellowship. Her short speech can be found at 2:46 of this SMS award video. Many congratulations!


Our article describing a molecular rack and pinion machinery that enables movement of bacteria over surfaces is now published in Science Advances


Abhishek Trivedi joined our lab as a Postdoctoral Fellow. Prior to joining our lab, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Notre Dame. Welcome!


After spicy food, in a bitter-sweet moment, we say goodbye to the Howard Berg Lab. We are ready to soar onwards and upwards!


Abhishek Shrivastava will serve as a panelist for a discussion on faculty job search and interview process at Harvard University. The panel discussion will be attended by Postdocs and grad students that are curious about the academic job search process.


Finally the decision! Abhishek Shrivastava accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position at the School of Life Sciences and Biodesign Institute of Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. We move there August 2019. Stay tuned for many more updates.


Abhishek Shrivastava will present a seminar at the Parsons Laboratory Microbial Systems Seminar Series @ MIT. This seminar series is hosted by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA Link


Excited to share that our recent PNAS cargo transport article is featured by NIH-NIDCR News Link


Abhishek Shrivastava will present a chalk-talk titled 'Designing a Bacterial Uber' at a seminar hosted by the Harvard Microbial Science Initiative, Cambridge, MA.


Our article where we find that collective motion and cargo transport within live microbial communities shapes its spatial structure is live on PNAS. The eight bacterial genus that form this community are some of the most abundant genus of the human microbiome. A blog on this article can be found on the Harvard MCB website


Abhishek Shrivastava is scheduled to give a talk at the IADR conference in London. He will also serve as a co-chair of the Microbiome Session.


Abhishek Shrivastava will give a talk at the Beneficial Microbes Meeting in Madison, WI.


Abhishek Shrivastava gave a talk at the Boston Bacterial Meeting.


This month, Abhishek Shrivastava is scheduled to give two conference talks in consecutive weeks: (i) The Biophysical Society Annual Meeting. San Francisco (ii) The Winter Quantitative Biology Conference in HI. As the names suggest, both conferences are exciting for any young scientist that is interested in the quantitative aspects of Biology. We look forward to many intellectually stimulating discussions!


The Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology Retreat at Harvard University is coming up and Abhishek Shrivastava will share his science with his departmental colleagues via a talk.


Abhishek Shrivastava received a NIH K99/R00 Pathway to Independence grant.


In the next few weeks, we attend the Bacterial Locomotion and Sensory Transduction meeting in New Orleans. Abhishek Shrivastava will give a talk there.


Our Article where we attached gold nanoparticles to SprB and tracked its motion in 3D space is featured on the cover of Biophysical Journal! A blog on the cover image is here. The research article can be found here


Abhishek Shrivastava will give a talk at the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Microbe 2016 in Boston, MA.


Abhishek Shrivastava will share his science via a talk at the National Center for Biological Sciences-Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (NCBS-TIFR), Bangalore, India.


Abhishek Shrivastava will give an invited talk at the American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting in Baltimore, MD.


Abhishek Shrivastava is scheduled to give a talk at the Molecular Genetics of Bacteria and Phages meeting. See you in Madison, WI.


Abhishek Shrivastava is scheduled to give a talk at the Boston Bacterial Meeting.


Our Current Biology article describing the presence of a rotary motor in a gliding bacterium is featured by the Harvard Gazette The research article can be found here


Abhishek Shrivastava is scheduled to give a talk at the Bacterial Locomotion and Sensory Transduction meeting in Tucson, AZ.